Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Download the Iturra Design 2010 Catalog PDF Here

 The Iturra Designs catalog is considered by many woodworkers to be the Bible of Bandsaws. The reason is that owner Louis A. Iturra loves to talk about band saws, and has packed a TON of information about real band saws into his catalog. Not just product info, but info about WHY products are the way they are, and tons of history of different band saw models. This guy has done a lot of sawing. This is perhaps the BEST
catalog of any kind for those who want valuable information in addition to product descriptions.

But the family-run Iturra Designs business hasn't caught up with the Internet age. They don't have a website and they don't send out catalogs very quickly. It took me a while to track down this PDF of the 2010 catalog. Now that I found it, I am posting it here for all to have. It's in a dropbox.

The link is


P.S. I recently ordered a Spinner 4 retrofit kit for my Delta 14 w/riser from Louis Iturra, and mentioned I had posted this file on my blog. He told me that some people have been charging for downloads of his catalog! You should not be paying for this. You can call Iturra Design at 904-642-2802 and order a paper catalog from them, or download this one.


  1. Oh no the catalog won't load! :(

  2. Drat! The download has an error! Any chance of fixing this?

  3. Could you please fix this Dropbox link? Thanks!

  4. Could you please fix this Dropbox link? Thanks!
