Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the perfect gift

A friend of mine - Vicco Von Voss - is a master furniture maker and timber framer.  He works out of a studio on the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where he gets much of his lumber stock from fallen trees on his property and that of neighbors.  Vicco's projects can be quite large, and he uses premium lumber.  As a result, his scrap lumber is like manna from heaven to a guy like me.  So when he brought up a truckload of lumber from his personal stockpile, I was overjoyed.

Among the treasures were a walnut crotch, a dozen large pieces of walnut veneer, cherry veneer, and eight walnut boards from a flitch he milled himself.  All of the lumber was air dried on his property.  To learn more about Vicco and his work, visit his website at

Thanks Vicco!

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