Monday, January 24, 2011

New Pages on the Blog

purple heart & mixed hardwood coffee table, made 12/20/2010
Blogger now offers "Pages" on its blogs.  This is an excellent feature of Blogger, as it allows users to easily create static pages and link to them from a navigation menu generated automatically by Blogger.  This can make a blog act much like a website.  Unlike most website hosting platforms, however, a Blogger blog is free.

I have made use of the new pages feature by creating two new pages: "Tools of the Trade" and "Custom Commissions".

"Tools of the Trade" is a description of the "big" tools we have in our shop, so visitors can get a sense of how furniture is made, and see for themselves the difference between furniture-making tools, and the tools used by a carpenter who comes to your house.

"Custom Commissions" is a page describing the custom furniture work I have done.  I don't take many commissions.  For me a accept a commission, the project has to be challenging, but also possible for me to complete with my limited (but improving) skill.  The pictorial history of my past commissions (included on the "Custom Commissions" page) shows my expanding repertiore, as well as the quality and design of the pieces.  I hope you enjoy looking.  And if you have been dreaming of a custom piece of furniture, why not contact me and see if we can make your dream come true?

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