Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oh UPS, I tried to give you money for SO LONG!!!

I tried to set up an account with UPS to ship packages from my company Wine on Deck.  But there were so many technical problems, multiple accounts created, blah, blah, blah.  It was too hard.  Then I tried the same thing with FedEx.  here is my "farewell" letter to my local UPS Business rep:

Beeni - Between the time I emailed you this morning  about my trouble creating shipments online, getting access to my account and payment info, and not receiving any statements in the mail, I have been able to do the following (something I have tried to do countless times with UPS and spent hours with UPS trying to accomplish, to no avail):

1. opened a FedEx account online.  took one try, five minutes (it took two visits to the UPS customer center, hours on the phone, hours on the internet, to do the same thing with UPS).
2. Created two customer address accounts.
3. created five shipments (total expenditure on FedEx services today: $195)
4. Printed the labels for all of them
5. Scheduled a pickup for today.

I ran into trouble on both UPS's and FedEx's sites.  With UPS, nobody could help me in a timely manner.  Nobody in the company took hold of the issue and solved it, they just passed the  buck.  when FedEx's site saw I was having trouble getting the proper formatting for some fields in the shipment creator page, a chat support box popped up, and I chatted live with a support tech, while he saw an image of my screen.

From opening an account to printing labels, all in less than 15 minutes with fedEx.  I even automatically set up auto-deductions from my checking account, which I tried to do with UPS (obviously) unsuccessfully.

I think this whole ordeal with UPS is a big problem for your company if my experience is not uncommon.  I have been trying to pay money to UPS for SO LONG....but just can't seem to do it.  Somebody should look into it and see how many people are like me.

please send me a bill so i can pay UPS what I owe.  I don't want to close my account, but I don't plan to use it again.

thank you and best wishes

Oh UPS, will you ever find your way?

probably not...

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