Thursday, January 21, 2010

DIY backstop fence for faster, more accurate repeated cuts on the mitre saw

While I was making my first chest of drawers, I had to make a lot of repetitive cuts on the mitre saw: for the drawer faces, sides, and backs, and for the inner frame supports, guide rails, and cross-members.  My method of measuring each cut (I won't describe it here) was laborious, time consuming, and resulted in boards that were almost - but not exactly - the same length. 

Of course, in cabinetry, almost doesn't cut it.  Or at least it makes for a lot of extra work.

So I came up with a better solution: a backstop that slides to and from the saw, and can be clamped into position so repeated cuts are easy to set up, and more accurate from cut to cut.

To see more pics of my DIY backstop, and instructions on how to build it yourself, visit my Mitre Saw Backstop Hub.

Happy building!

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