Thursday, January 21, 2010

Chest of Drawers: Part II

Well, it has been more than a week since I proclaimed that I would be finished with my chest of drawers within two days.  What happened?  Jointing happened.  In case you don't know what jointing is, don't feel bad.  I didn't either, until last week. 

Last week, my friend Kiki and I were working on my chest of drawers.  We were cutting the Mahogany for the drawer faces.  For the taller drawers (two are designed to be 12" tall), we planned to glue two 6" boards together to create a flat 12" drawer face.  But when we put the two boards together, there was a gap between them in the middle.  Attempting to sand-away the sides of the boards only created new gaps elsewhere in the joint.  What was going on?  All the boards had been purchased pre-cut, and then we cut them to size on the table saw, so they should have been straight, right?

Wrong!  Boards from the store are NOT straight.  They may look rectangular, or at least flat on both sides and an edge, but they're not truly rectangular and parallel until they've been jointed and planed.  

Above: A jointer

Above: A planer

Luckily, I was able to find a killer deal on a planer, jointer, and 1 3/4 HP table saw.

So, now all of the drawer faces are jointed and planed.  The sides, bottoms, and backs of the drawers are dadoed and ready to be assembled into drawers.

Here we go!

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